28. 12. 2023

Speech by the Chairman of the Board of Directors for the coming year 2024

Speech by the Chairman of the Board of Directors for the coming year 2024.

Dear business partners, friends, and patrons of Aliter Technologies,

at the turn of the year, it is a natural thing to look back, review and sketch out plans. With another year almost gone, we have again stood the test of many new challenges. In fact, we at Aliter Technologies rank 2023 among the most demanding years so far, but at the same time, one of the most fascinating periods of our company history. Every year, something unexpected happens. Each year brings you – along with the planned and anticipated events – a certain portion of surprises and sometimes seemingly unsurmountable challenges. We are about to close one of the most successful and yet most challenging years of Aliter Technologies, so this is good reason for me to thank you all from the bottom of my heart!

For several reasons, the passing year was challenging not only domestically but also in the global perspective. This obviously took its toll on the overall company operation as well as day-to-day activities of the entire staff. However, thanks to your hard work, we achieved our goals even in these difficult times. We reached several significant milestones and expanded our product, service, and project portfolio. Moreover, we continue to be a successful and reliable supplier, both for the domestic market as well as for NATO or other international stakeholders. We acquired new accounts and concluded significant multi-annual contracts with some of our global partners. And, last but not least, we are also significantly expanding our workspace, making our environment more enjoyable and convenient for all, because it is our people that matter so much to us. Our timeless maxim holds truth also today – the most critical pillar and the greatest asset of our business is an excellent team of passionate and engaged individuals. With people like you, we manage to overcome even the most difficult of times and accomplish the designated goals.

I wish our company to maintain its momentum, dynamics as well as innovative nature and uniqueness also in the coming year. In conclusion, I would like to extend my thanks to all our employees once again. But our words of thanks also go to our customers and partners for their strong support and patronage. May your health flourish and your endeavors thrive in 2024!

Ervin Haramia, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Aliter Technologies, a.s.